The Future Level

Building on a sustainable future

When developing The Future Level, we were not only guided by market needs or regulations in force. On the contrary, we were well aware of the  impact that the new office and business building would have on our living environment and that of  future generations. This means we have taken our responsibility to build a sustainable future. To achieve this, we have taken the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a starting point.

SDG3: Health and well-being

We spent almost 90% of our time in buildings. A healthy and natural environment contributes to employee well-being. Healthy, happy employees perform much better and make fewer mistakes, leading to a higher productivity and lower absenteeism. The focus in The Future Level is not on the building and the landlord, but on its tenants and its users.

SDG7: Sustainable energy

Needless to say that The Future Level will be natural gas-free and highly energy-efficient. It makes use of the most advanced techniques, including heat and cold generation with heat pumps. As a result, the building will be both heated and cooled in a sustainable way. The rooms are basically heated and cooled by an underfloor heating system and supported by the ventilation system. The balanced ventilation system is equipped with high efficiency heat recovery units and the air quality is controlled per room or per zone based on temperature and CO₂ measurements. Moreover, a significant part of the energy required at building level is self-generated through rooftop solar panels.

SDG12: Circular build - Timber as a basis

A deliberate choice was made to use sustainably produced European timber rather than concrete and steel. With this, the building's ecological footprint is reduced to a minimum. It is estimated that the environmental impact is reduced by 20 to 25% when compared with a traditionally designed building. Moreover, CO₂ emissions are reduced by 30 to 40% over the entire life cycle of the building and the building components are designed to be easily reused.

SDG13: Climate action: a conscious choice

Products that were created sustainably must be used sustainably. The building is highly suitable for tenants who want to actively contribute to corporate social responsibility in all its aspects and who deliberately opt for a future-proof working environment. Together we will build a sustainable world for generations to come.